Sustainable fashion and circular economy

Do we really know what it means to be sustainable?

Coral was born with the purpose of being Sustainable, and along the way we have had to unlearn to learn what sustainability really is, and discover that it is not about materials, it is about the entire value chain, about creating a 360° sustainable environment around of the brand, where we involve processes, suppliers, people, the environment and above all, understand that the model can no longer be linear (Produce-Consume-Dispose), talking about sustainability is starting to think of a circular model based on three principles :

  1. Design products without waste or pollution
  2. Keep materials in the production system
  3. regenerate the earth

Today we live in a world in over-consumption, we must begin to think about development in a different way, considering the needs of the present and finding solutions that do not compromise the resources of future generations. We have to establish as a precedent for any development, that there are limits, planetary and social, something is changing, the objectives should no longer be infinite economic growth, but WELL-BEING as a society. The donut Economy raises these arguments as a strategy for economic growth and sustainable development, cities like Amsterdam are already applying it as a post-Covid economic reactivation strategy.

Taken from: donut economics org

The United Nations has structured and defined 17 sustainable development goals ODS for the world, these ODS "are the master plan to achieve a sustainable future for all. They interrelate with each other and incorporate the global challenges that we face every day, such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, peace and justice". UN Sustainable Development Goals

Today, all actors in society, individuals, companies and government, can adopt some or all of the SDGs, to implement action plans that help combat the impact of human beings at a social, economic and environmental level, to find again the balance and limits.

Currently, as a brand, we are involved in many challenges, but the main one in terms of sustainability must be to understand that it is not only about using eco-friendly materials, it is about a balance between being responsible with the environment, with the social impact of our environment and be economically sustainable.